New JAMIA Article: Evaluating Visual Analytics Technologies in Healthcare Context
I’m excited to report that the long-running Task Force on Evaluation, organized by AMIA’s VIS Working Group, has published its findings in a JAMIA article released earlier this year. The task force, co-chaired by myself and Danny Wu, was one of the very first initiatives launched by the VIS Working Group and provides a valuable resource to health informatics researchers and developers who are looking to evaluate the use of visualization or visual analytics technologies within the healthcare domain. A preliminary report from this group was published at VAHC 2016, and after a large team effort the final product was completed in 2018 before its 2019 publication. Congratulations to the entire team for an outstanding collaborative effort!
Danny T.Y. Wu, Annie T. Chen, John D. Manning, Gal Levy-Fix, Uba Backonja, David Borland, Jesus J. Caban, Dawn W. Dowding, Harry Hochheiser, Vadim Kagan, Swaminathan Kandaswamy, Manish Kumar, Alexis Nunez, Eric Pan, David Gotz. Evaluating Visual Analytics for Health Informatics Applications: A Systematic Review from the AMIA VIS Working Group Task Force on Evaluation. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA) (Volume 26, Number 4, 2019).
[An open-access PDF for this article is available through the journal’s website.]
David Gotz, David Borland, Jesus Caban, Dawn Dowding, Brian Fisher, Vadim Kagan, and Danny T.Y. Wu. Evaluating Visual Analytics for Health Informatics Applications: A Progress Report from the AMIA VIS Working Group Task Force on Evaluation. Visual Analytics in Healthcare Workshop (VAHC), Chicago, IL (2016).
[PDF, 260k]