Two New Articles in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia Special Issue

ieee_trans_on_mm_coverI recently served as a Guest Editor for a special issue of IEEE Transactions on Multimedia focused on Visual Analytics in Multimedia (Volume 18, Issue 11, 2016).  The issue was published at the end of the year and included several exciting papers on a broad range of topics.

To frame the issue, my co-editors and I authored an editorial titled “Visual Analytics in Multimedia—Opportunities and Research Challenges.  In addition, we co-authored a survey article describing the state of the art in visual analytics of social media data.  References for the two articles are included below.  I encourage you to read the entire issue to get a sense of some of the latest work in this exciting area.


Yingcai Wu, Nan Cao, David Gotz, Yap-Peng Tan, Daniel Keim. A Survey on Visual Analytics of Social Media Data. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (Volume 18, Issue 11, 2016).
[This article is available through the journal’s website. View the article by clicking here.]

Nan Cao, Yingcai Wu, David Gotz, Daniel Keim, Yap-Peng Tan. Guest Editorial: Visual Analytics in Multimedia—Opportunities and Research Challenges. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (Volume 18, Issue 11, 2016).
[This article is available through the journal’s website. View the article by clicking here.]

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