Best Paper at ACM IUI 2016

IMG_4153I just returned from the 2016 ACM Intelligent User Interfaces conference which was held in Sonoma, California.  As I’ve previously written, we at the VACLab had a paper published as part of the proceedings which described our work on Adaptive Contextualization (AC).  The core theory behind AC is that we can use intelligent user modeling and analysis to combat the emergence of selection bias during visualization-based data selection.   By quantifying bias and making it visible through the user interface, users are more informed about the underling quality of their data.

This week, during the conference’s opening remarks, we found out that our paper had been honored with the conference’s Best Paper Award.  We were given a nice plaque in recognition of the award, which you can see in the picture to the right.  Holding the plaque is Shun Sun, VACLab member and co-author on the paper.

It was a “double” award for Shun, who was also the recipient of a Student Travel Grant which was competitively awarded by the IUI Conference.  Shun traveled to the Sonoma, helped run the conference as a student volunteer, and gave the talk for our paper.  Below is a photograph of Shun giving the talk.





Sch of Inform and Libr Science

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