New Article Focusing on Visualization’s Role in Data-Driven Healthcare

ieee_cga_logoI’m happy to announce that a new article, written collaboratively with co-author David Borland at RENCI, has been accepted for publication in IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (CG&A).  The article, titled “Data-Driven Healthcare: Challenges and Opportunities for Interactive Visualization,” is scheduled to appear in the May/June 2016 issue as part of the “Visualization Viewpoints” series.

In the article, we outline a variety of high-impact opportunities for visualization and visual analytic methods to impact the healthcare domain.  We also discuss several key challenges which make healthcare unique as an application area.  We outline challenges ranging from diverse user needs, data complexity, and the demand for rigor which stems form the life-or-death nature of many applications.

A link to the article will be added to this web page once an online version is available from the IEEE.



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