BioVis Challenge Keynote

The BioVis Interest Group has organized events at IEEE VIS for several years, exploring various aspects of visualization in biology. BioVis provides a forum for researchers from a range of fields including visualization, bioinformatics, and biology communities to meet, discuss new visualization developments within the biological domain, and identify new challenges.  This year, the BioVis interest Group organized the BioVis Challenges Workshop which was held in Berlin, Germany on October 22, 2018.

I was honored to be invited as the keynote speaker for the event.  My talk, titled Health Data Diversity and Complexity: Visualization Challenges for Longitudinal Cohort Analysis,” explored a number of the hurdles that must be overcome if we are to develop a new generation of biomedical visual analytics tools to help realize the Precision medicine vision of the future.  You can find the slides from my talk by clicking here.


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